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Course Details

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High-potential executives preparing for Senior Executive Service.

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1.2 CEU's

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Course ID


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$ 1,149.00


Course Code
Course Title
Course Dates


Writing ECQ Statements (Virtual Instruction)

May 21 – 22, 2024


Writing ECQ Statements (Virtual Instruction)

August 20 -21, 2024


Writing ECQ Statements (Virtual Instruction)

December 3 – 4, 2024

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Course Information

Course Description

This two-day workshop will provide an overview of the SES, its history, role, and policies governing the SES and its members. Career strategies to help prepare and move into the SES, identifying and bridging competency gaps. Executive Core Competencies, the executive resume, and technical qualifications and how they fit together to become a competitive SES package. Developing ECQ stories – what kind of stories and how to successfully present them. Developing one story during class using the OPM model and critiquing it with peers. Finally, nailing the executive interview.

Who Should Attend?

Pre-work is required for this course. Participants will need to submit a one-page ECQ story for EACH of the 5 ECQs in the Challenge Context Action Format that is outlined on the OPM website. Samples will be reviewed by the instructor. The review will provide brief, but clear, comments on these stories as to the story’s strength, appropriateness, writing style, clarity, and focus.

Class Type:

This course is currently being offered in the following training modalities:

1. Online

2. On-site


  • Provide a greater understanding of the Senior Executive Service
  • Review the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs)
  • Examine the process of applying for the Senior Executive Service
  • Assess the strength of writing samples

Executive Potential Program

The Executive Potential Program (EPP) is a 12-month competency-based leadership development program that provides training and developmental experiences for high-potential executives at the GS 13-15 levels or equivalent. The program theme is "Leading Change."

Executive Leadership Program

The Executive Leadership Program (ELP) is a nine-month competency-based leadership development program that provides training and developmental experiences for mid-level employees at the GS 11-13 levels or equivalent. The program theme is "Leading People."

New Leader Program

The New Leader Program (NLP) is a six-month program designed to prepare employees at the GS 7-11 levels for management and leadership positions. The program theme is "Leading Self."

Aspiring Leader Program

The Aspiring Leader Program (ALP) is a two-month program designed to prepare employees up to GS 6 levels (or equivalent industry professionals) for a foundational understanding of leadership competencies. The program theme is “Leadership Foundations.”